Chilean Cámara de Diputados Votes Overwhelmingly To Proceed With Compulsory Licenses for HCV Drugs

The Cámara de Diputados of the Chilean Congress has overwhelmingly passed a resolution calling on the President to advance the compulsory licensing request on HCV drugs made in March 2017 by patients, advocates including Innovarte NGO, and elected officials. The resolution, Number… Continue Reading

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center often fails to disclose federal funding of inventions on initial patent


  • A review of the “certificate of correction” to patents assigned to the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center finds frequent failures to disclose federal funding on initial patent applications.
  • When Fred Hutchinson reported no federal funding on patent applications, it was wrong 45 percent of the time, according to corrections later filed with the USPTO.

On October 19, 2017, I ran a query of the USPTO database of granted patents to identify patents granted to the Seattle based Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center.

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WIPO General Assembly 2017: Statement of Chile on the Report on the Standing Committee on the Law of Patents (SCP)

On Wednesday, 4 October 2017, Chile delivered the following statement on the Report on The Standing Committee on the Law of Patents (SCP) at the WIPO General Assembly.

Gracias Sr. Presidente.

Quisiéramos felicitar el trabajo que el Comité de Patentes está llevando en temas diversos y balanceados, que han permitido su funcionamiento a lo largo de estos últimos años, privilegiando el diálogo técnico y experto sobre los diferentes puntos de la agenda.

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KEI’s opening statement at WIPO’s 2017 General Assembly focuses on role of Chief Economist

This was delivered the afternoon on October 3, 2017.

Opening statement of Knowledge Ecology International – WIPO General Assembly 2017

Thank you, Mr. Vice President.

KEI notes the controversies around the world regarding the costs and benefits of intellectual property policies, including in particular extended terms of copyright protection in some countries, access to copyrighted works out of commerce and in teaching and research, and the role of patents in both promoting and discouraging innovation, and creating barriers to access medicine.

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