KEI comment on USTR’s 2016 Special 301 report

The 2016 USTR Special 301 report is now available. (copy here). The report is 77 pages of complaints about intellectual property policies around the world, plus a number of other complaints, including those related to pricing and reimbursement of pharmaceutical drugs and medical devices, restrictions on data flows, standard setting, and government procurement.

On the one hand, USTR says it is supports “access to medicine for all.”

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Industry USTR filings refer to Indian Government agreement to block compulsory licenses

The dearth of recent compulsory licenses out of India has led to speculation that the Government has made an agreement not to issue such licenses.

On reviewing submissions for the Office of the United States Trade Representative’s upcoming 2016 Special 301 Review, several industry documents confirm that such an agreement exists.

The submission by the United States Chamber of Commerce’s Global Intellectual Property Center states:

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Rep. Eshoo (D-CA) Sends Letter to USTR Requesting Clarification Regarding Conflicts in TPP Language on Damages and BPCIA, ISDS

On Tuesday October 20, 2015, Representative Anna Eshoo (D-CA), one of the principal authors of the Biologic Price Competition and Innovation Act (BPCIA), sent a letter to the United States Trade Representative requesting timely clarification regarding the Trans-Pacific Partnership’s impact “on existing U.S. laws that limit damages for infringement of intellectual property (IP) rights, and on the potential ISDS ramifications for those conflicts.”

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KEI protests USTR opposition to WTO LDC permanent drug patent waiver

On Wednesday, October 14, 2015, KEI staff and members of Public Citizen’s Global Access to Medicines team demonstrated outside of the White House and USTR, urging the administration, especially USTR and Ambassador Michael Froman, to support a request for a permanent drug patent waiver for Least Developed Countries (LDCs) at the WTO.

Below are images from the protest action, also available in higher resolution here. And, yes, you can use these photos under any creative commons or wikimedia license.

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Senator Sherrod Brown letter to USTR, supporting permanent waiver of WTO drug patent rules for LDCs

Attached is a letter, dated October 14, 2015, from Senator Sherrod Brown to USTR’s Ambassador Michael Froman, urging USTR to support a permanent waiver of WTO drug patent rules, for Least Developed Countries. Negotiations on this issue begin formally on October 15, 2015, during a meeting of the WTO TRIPS Council.

Among the money quotes:

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Final draft, India National IPR Policy, by IP Think Tank constituted by DIPP, Ministry of Commerce and Industry

This is a copy of recommendations for an Indian National IPR Policy, written by the “IP Think Tank,” which was constituted by the Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion(DIPP), Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India. A copy scanned from a hard copy is here.

The members of the IPR Think Tank were:

  • Justice Prabha Sridevan (Retd) – Chairperson
  • Mrs. Prathiba M. Singh, Senior Advocate – Member
  • Mr. Narendra K. Sabharwal – Member & Convener
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