28 Feb 2012: Intervention delivered by India at WTO TRIPS Council on IP Enforcement Trends noting concerns with ACTA and TPPA

This intervention was delivered by India at today’s WTO Council for TRIPS during discussions of agenda item “N” on IP Enforcement Trends. The statement raises India’s concerns with plurilateral agreements like ACTA and TPPA and their potential impacts on public health, international exhaustion, border measures and digital goods and internet freedom.

IP Enforcement Trends
(TRIPS council Feb 28, 2012)

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16 December 2011: KEI side event @ 8th WTO Ministerial Conference: The TRIPS Agreement and Copyright

Friday, 16 December 2011
Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) side event @ 8th WTO Ministerial Conference
Room B, Centre William Rappard, World Trade Organization
Rue de Lausanne 154
11:00 AM to 1:00 PM

The TRIPS Agreement and Copyright

Knowledge Ecology International

TRIPS, the copyright 3-step test, and exceptions to rights

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WTO TRIPS Council: Ecuador questions the European Union on Italian compulsory licenses

On 25 October 2011, the WTO TRIPS Council held its annual review of the Paragraph 6 System under Item G. Under the sub-heading of alternatives to the Paragraph 6 system, Ecuador asked the European Union (EU) about the issuance of three compulsory licenses in Italy between 2005 to 2007. In its intervention, Ecuador asked the EU for more detail regarding the Italian Competition Authority’s issuance of compulsory licenses for export to Spain and other EU members in cases involving Glaxo and Merck including, but not limited to, administrative procedures, decision-making processes, and rationale. Continue Reading


WTO TRIPS Council: US intervention on ACTA

This is the intervention that the United States made on ACTA on 25 October 2011 during the WTO TRIPS Council discussions of “Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights”.


The United States thanks Japan for its opening remarks, with which we fully associate ourselves.

We appreciate this opportunity to share with colleagues from other WTO Members our views on the importance of enforcement and to provide some additional information on the ACTA.

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WTO TRIPS Council: Canada’s defence of ACTA in discussions of “Trends in Enforcement”

On Tuesday, 25 October 2011, Canada made the following intervention at the WTO TRIPS Council on ACTA under agenda item O, “Trends in Enforcement”.

In relation to the WTO Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health, Canada asserted the following,

ACTA is also consistent with the TRIPS Agreement and the Declaration on TRIPS and Public Health and will not hinder the cross-border transit of legitimate generic medicines.
October 24-25, 2011
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WTO TRIPS Council: India raises concerns on ACTA and TPPA on discussion of “Trends in the Enforcement of IPRs”

On 25 October 2011, India delivered the following intervention at the WTO TRIPS Council raising concerns on ACTA and the TPPA during discussions of “Trends in the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights”. On ACTA, India voiced concerns on the scope of ACTA’s civil enforcement measures, border measures potential role in the seizure of generic medicines, third party liability, damages and also raised systemic issues such as how WTO MFN obligations would affect WTO members who are not ACTA parties,


WTO TRIPS Council: India questions the United States on eBay v. MercExchange precedent as alternative to Paragraph 6 mechanism

On 25 October 2011, the WTO TRIPS Council held its annual review of the Paragraph 6 System. The following are extracts from the intervention of India. Note that under “Any alternatives to the use of Paragraph 6 System to achieve the objective of access to medicines” India asked the United States to shed light on state practice in the US following the US Supreme Court’s eBay versus MercExchange ruling (/content/view/174/1). Continue Reading
