2016: MeiraGTx, NIH license of patents on AAV­Mediated Aquaporin Gene Transfer To Treat Sjögren’s Syndrome

(More on government funded inventions here. Other KEI comments on NIH licenses are found here.) May 16th, 2016 Sally Hu, Ph.D., M.B.A., Senior Licensing and Patenting Manager, Office of Technology Transfer and Innovation Access, National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial… Continue Reading

2016: Great Lakes Neuroscience and NIH exclusive license on MS/ALS patent

The following is the KEI comment to the NIH proposed exclusive license to Great Lakes Neuroscience for a patent on Multiple Sclerosis, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and certain other CNS Disorders. (PDF version here). KEI asks the NIH for certain information about the proposed license, and also asks the NIH to include provisions in the license that protect consumers in both the United States and developing countries.

For the United States, KEI asks that prices be:


Notes for the talk at Fordham on TPP/TTIP.

These were my notes from my talk on Thursday morning at the annual Fordham International IP conference, which is organized by Professor Hugh Hansen. The panel was titled “Examination of TPP & TTIP.”

What is wrong with the TransPacific Partnership (TPP)?

The TPP was negotiated with asymmetric secrecy. Not from industry, but from the public. Nearly all of the real experts in IP policy were in the dark over the actual language of the texts. We delegated too much power to government trade negotiators and to lobbyists.

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KEI comments to the Senate Finance Committee Report on the Price of Sovaldi

On March 4, 2016, KEI provided comments to the US Senate Committee on Finance on a report prepared by staff for Senators Grassley and Wyden that was issued by the committee on December 2015, titled “The Price of Sovaldi and Its Impact on the U.S. Health Care System.” Senators Grassley and Wyden asked the public to comment on various issues raised in the report. The comments we filed on March 4 included three major sections.

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