(An expanded, edited and better version of this is available in our March 4, 2016 reply comment to USTR, available here: https://www.keionline.org/node/2440)
These were my notes from my testimony for KEI at today’s USTR Special 301 hearing
Big market puts countries on the #special301 watch list
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Andrew S. Goldman is Counsel for Policy and Legal Affairs at KEI. He is an attorney licensed in Maryland and New York, and is admitted before the United States Supreme Court, and the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland.
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KEI efforts to address pricing and other public interest issues in more than 22 different NIH licensing cases, involving both patents and data rights, are here: /nih-licenses
Our work on the Sanofi/Army Zika vaccine license is here. /zika
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$1 a day HIV/AIDS drug regimen
In the early 2000s, KEI’s founder, James Love, advocated to lower the price of HIV/AIDS drugs for patients in developing countries. Love convinced generic manufacturer Cipla to sell the standard 3-drug HIV/AIDS regimen for $1 per day, a breakthrough price that saved — and continues to save — millions of lives. Love’s work culminated in the creation of the Global Fund for HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria and the President’s Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), two of the world’s largest providers of HIV/AIDS treatments.
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For more information, KEI general page on the Bayh Dole Act, or one of the mini Bayh-Dole timelines, such as the ones on transparency, march-in rights or royalty free uses. TIMELINE 1980 1980. October 21. Public Law 96-480. Stevenson-Wydler Technology… Continue Reading →