KEI Achievements

$1 a day HIV/AIDS drug regimen
In the early 2000s, KEI’s founder, James Love, advocated to lower the price of HIV/AIDS drugs for patients in developing countries. Love convinced generic manufacturer Cipla to sell the standard 3-drug HIV/AIDS regimen for $1 per day, a breakthrough price that saved — and continues to save — millions of lives. Love’s work culminated in the creation of the Global Fund for HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria and the President’s Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), two of the world’s largest providers of HIV/AIDS treatments.

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Bayh-Dole Timeline

For more information, KEI general page on the Bayh Dole Act, or one of the mini Bayh-Dole timelines, such as the ones on transparency, march-in rights or royalty free uses. TIMELINE 1980 1980. October 21. Public Law 96-480. Stevenson-Wydler Technology… Continue Reading