KEI request to BARDA concerning Moderna obligations to disclose federal funding in patent applications

On September 2, 2020, Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) sent a letter to the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) regarding a potential failure by Moderna, Inc. to disclose federal funding in patents supported by BARDA. KEI requested information concerning… Continue Reading


KEI Reports and Posts 2020. October 8. KEI on Moderna’s Oct 8, 2020 Statement on Intellectual Property Matters during the COVID-19 Pandemic. 2020. September 18. DARPA letter to KEI confirming investigation of Moderna for failure to report government funding… Continue Reading

KEI receives seven new contracts for COVID 19 research from BARDA and DOD, including five using “Other Transactions Authority” that weaken or eliminate Bayh-Dole and FAR Safeguards

KEI has a number of outstanding requests under the United States Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) for contracts related to biomedical innovations to control or treat the COVID-19 pandemic. On Thursday, June 25, and Friday, June 26, we received a… Continue Reading

KEI Letter to Speaker Pelosi Regarding Use of “Other Transaction Authority” (OTA) in Coronavirus Bill to Escape Bayh-Dole Public Interest Safeguards

For more on KEI’s work on COVID-19, see On March 23, 2020, Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) sent a letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi regarding a provision in the current draft of the Senate version of the coronavirus funding bill… Continue Reading