Open letter on NIST Draft Green Paper on Bayh-Dole Act Policies and Regulations

Open letter on NIST Draft Green Paper on Bayh-Dole Act Policies and Regulations 5 April 2019 FMI: Claire Cassedy, claire.cassedy@keionlineorg +1.202.332.2670 Washington, 5 April 2019 – Eleven non-governmental organizations have sent a letter to members of the US Congress, highlighting… Continue Reading

KEI asks NIST to extend comment period on their Special Publication 1234 Draft Green Paper on Return on Public Investment

Today KEI asked the Department of Commerce National Institute of Standards (NIST) to publish a notice in the Federal Register inviting comments on their Special Publication 1234, Draft Green Paper on Return on Public Investment, with an extended deadline. The… Continue Reading

KEI Comments Regarding the NIST Special Publication 1234 Draft Green Paper on Return on Public Investment

KEI filed comments on the NIST Draft Green paper on the return from investment on federally funded R&D (See: We expect the comment period to be extended, but filed this on January 9, 2018, as an initial submission. KEI-comments-NIST-SP-1234-ROI-9Jan2018… Continue Reading

KEI and UACT comments on the prospective grant of an exclusive license to Midissia Therapeutics

Below are the comments filed by Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) and the Union for Affordable Cancer Treatment (UACT) regarding a prospective grant of an exclusive license of NIH-owned patents to the California-based company Midissia Therapeutics. The prospective exclusive license is… Continue Reading

2018: NIH licenses on Anti-Mesothelin CAR to Atara Biotherapeutics

Attached are comments from 8 health and fair groups regarding a prospective grant of an exclusive license to NIH owned patent, for the development of an Anti-Mesothelin Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) for the treatment of human Cancer, to Atara Biotherapeutics… Continue Reading

KEI comments on the prospective grant of an exclusive patent license: Mutant IDH1 inhibitors useful for treating cancer to Apexx Oncology

(Update: The NIH provided a response to our comments on August 1, 2020) July 10, 2018 Sury Vepa, Ph.D., J.D., Senior Licensing and Patenting Manager National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences National Institutes of Health Email Re: Prospective Grant… Continue Reading

KEI Comments: ERYTHRYx Therapeutics: Prospective Grant of an Exclusive Patent License on Methods of Modulating Erythropoiesis With Arginine Vasopressin Receptor 1B Molecules

UPDATE: On July 13, 2018, KEI received a response to our comments on the prospective license to be given to ERYTHRYx Therapeutics. The brief response simply stated that NIH had already assessed the company to meet their technical and financial… Continue Reading