SCCR 33: NGOs Statements on Casting treaty in Plenary November 16, 2016

NGOs Statements on Casting treaty in Plenary November 16, 2016

The representatives from broadcasting organizations association might be over-reaching again and are asking for copyright like rights, right to prohibit and authorize, re-transmission on the internet, post fixation rights, up to 50 year terms….the NGOs had strong words, warning of unintended consequences for copyright owners, journalists and the larger public and user of the internet.

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SCCR 33: Notes from KEI NGO statement on WIPO broadcast treaty negotiations, November 16, 2016

Today, after two and a half days of negotiations, mostly off the record in informals, NGOs were given a few minutes to make statements on the broadcasters treaty. We were asked to keep things short, and focus on discussions this week. These are the notes from our intervention.

Notes from KEI NGO statement on Broadcast treaty
November 16, 2016

Right to prohibit

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SCCR 33 Chair’s Proposal for Casting treaty on definitions, object of protection and rights

Here is the Chair’s revised consolidated text followed by his review of the text today:

Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights
Thirty-third Session
Geneva, November 14 to 18, 2016
prepared by the Chair

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SCCR 33 South Africa and Indonesia statements on the casters’ treaty

SOUTH AFRICA: Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and we’d like to welcome you to the committee again. We’d like to align ourself to the statement made by Nigeria. Like many other countries in this room, we’re also keen to see tangible progress in the committee in line with the 2007 mandate to address signal piracy.

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SCCR 33 USA Statement regarding the Casters’ treaty

UNITED STATES: THANK YOU, MR. CHAIRMAN, AND THANK YOU, MR. Chairman for all of your hard work in preparing for this meeting, and the same sentiment, of course, to the Secretariat. And Deputy Director General Sylvie Forbin, welcome to the SCCR. We certainly get to have you with us as we continue our work.

On behalf of the U.S. Delegation, we have come prepared for this session of the SCCR to work on the Chairman’s draft consolidated text on definitions, objective protection and rights to be granted. It looks like a comprehensive framework for discussion.

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SCCR 33 Iran statement on the casters’ treaty

> IRAN: Thank you, Mr. Chair. Since this is the first time I take the floor, I would like to join others in congratulating you for chairing this very important committee. We also thank the Secretariat for preparation of the meeting.

My Delegation, associates itself with the statement delivered by the distinguished Delegation of India on behalf of the ACR and the Pacific Group.

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SCCR 33: For the European Union the Casters treaty is a high priority

November 14, 2016

>> EUROPEAN UNION: Thank you, Chairman. The treaty on protecting broadcasting organizations is a high priority for the European Union and its Member States. We are strongly committed to advancing work on the various issues identified in previous committee sessions.
We, therefore, look forward to further progress on the basis of the revised consolidated text on definitions, object of protection, and rights to be granted which you prepared for this session.

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SCCR 33: Argentina, Colombia and Mexico – Note on the Draft Treaty to Protect Broadcasting Organizations

On 8 November 2016, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) published a submission by Argentina, Colombia and Mexico entitled, “Note on the Draft Treaty to Protect Broadcasting Organizations” (SCCR/33/5). In their proposal, the proponents (Argentina, Colombia and Mexico) note that negotiations on a WIPO broadcast treaty have gone on for 18 years and 33 sessions of the Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR). Continue Reading



Chair: Brazil, you still have the floor.
>> BRAZIL: Thank you, Chair.
Regarding a very quick follow-up to your question regarding — as I mentioned, the proposal was presented and supported in 201 and 204 of the draft report and we understand it should be also reflected. We understand that this could be also a bridge of positions getting comfort to many Delegations that have concerns on this matter. These are the details that you have requested. Thank you, Chair.
>> CHAIR: Thank you for that.
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SCCR 32 Day 1: US Delegation Statement on some definitions

UNITED STATES: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Just to weigh in on a couple of the definitions that have been under discussion to date, so with respect to program carrying signal on the bracketed, the first bracketed language as originally transmitted and in any subsequent technical format, we agree with the E.U. that that is probably an important phrase to retain in as much as it makes clear that subsequent technical modifications of the signal will not result in the loss of protection of the originally transmitted signal.

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