SCCR 28 Day 1: Selected Interventions re Technical Experts Invited to Informal Negotiations

Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights: Twenty-Eighth Session
SCCR/28 June 30 to July 4, 2014 (Geneva, Switzerland)

June 30, 2014.

The Chair has decided to move the Committee to room B for informal (i.e. not public) discussions. He announced the names of 3 representatives from broadcasting organizations associations. Some delegations welcomed the technical experts selected and appointed …by the Chair. However, others saved the day (or the process?) by asking a few questions.

In their own words:

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WIPO sccr 28 Day 1: The USA Statement re 3 topics: Broadcasting, L&E for Libraries and Education

Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights: Twenty-Eighth Session
SCCR/28 June 30 to July 4, 2014 (Geneva, Switzerland)

June 30, 2014 Statements of the USA

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: […] the United States was very pleased by the progress that we made at the last session of the SCCR, and we are looking forward to continuing to move forward this week in clarifying and improving the proposals before us.

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SCCR 27 WIPO *New* Broadcasters’ Treaty: Impact on Rights Owners

As promised in my previous blog, here in their own words, Tuesday April 29, 2014 afternoon session of SCCR 27, the view point of copyright owners on the proposed treaty for broadcasting organizations. The fact that it is quite repetitive is probably one of the points they were trying to make and it was in fact quite effective in “changing” the general mood of the meeting.

The two following quotes summarize the arguments:

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Is the WIPO Treaty for Broadcasters Moving Forward at SCCR 27?

The WIPO treaty for the Protection of Broadcasting Organization: The Way Forward?

On day 2 of Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR) 27, it looks as if the US delegation was showing the SCCR delegates a “way forward” for a new treaty for broadcasting organizations. It seemed as if US diplomacy was working efficiently and the US proposal was gathering support. However, while the US proposal was indeed gathering support, public interest groups and copyright owners also became more vocal in their opposition to the proposal on the table.

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SCCR27: Asia Pacific Group outlines its position on the broadcast treaty and copyright L&Es

The Republic of Korea delivered the following statement outlining the position of the Asia Pacific Group (a large and diverse group of Member States including but not limited to Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Iran, the Republic of Korea and Singapore).

Asia Pacific Group Statement for SCCR 27- final

Thank you Mr. Chairman

Good morning dear colleagues.

Mr. Chairman,

I have the honour to deliver this statement on behalf of Asia Pacific group.

Mr. Chairman,

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SCCR27: US position on the Scope of Application (Article 6) of the proposed Broadcasting Treaty

The WIPO Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR27) is currently discussing Article 6 (Scope of Application) of the working text of the proposed Treaty on the Protection of Broadcasting Organizations (SCCR/27/2).

The United States of America delivered this nuanced intervention on the Scope of Application.

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SCCR27: UK proposal on the Proposed WIPO treaty on the protection of broadcasting organizations (the BBC experience)

On 8 April 2014, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland submitted a paper to the 27th session of WIPO’s Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR) on the Proposed WIPO treaty on the protection of broadcasting organizations (SCCR/27/3). In its proposal, the UK endeavors to “shed light on a number of different technologies already being used by broadcasters from around the world” including the deployment of the BBC iPlayer and the BBC Red Button services.

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WIPO Broadcasting Treaty is gaining momentum; possible Moscow treaty 2015?

SCCR 26 December 20, 2013 afternoon: workplan discussion

After 5 days of diplomatic if not collegial meetings (at least in plenary, I do not really know what is going on in informals), the last day afternoon session is quite tense. The conclusions have been drafted (I briefly saw a leaked version) and the group coordinators have met with the Chair.

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Broadcasting Treaty Negotiations at WIPO SCCR26 Day 2 Morning Session

The morning session was a continuation of yesterday informal regarding scope and beneficiaries of the proposed treaty. The delegates also discussed the 4 topics of the Japanese non paper which dealt specifically with webcasting. The second part of the morning session was about Article 9 which deals with what rights would the Broadcasting organisations acquire and be protected by the proposed treaty.

According to WIPO Secretariat’s summary, the four topics from the nonpaper from Japan and the general views of the delegates were:
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KEI Statement at WIPO SCCR 26 December 16, 2013 re the Casting Treaty

The Monday morning session of SCCR 26 went very fast. The agenda was approved in few minutes. Two days will be about the broadcasting treaty, two days will be about libraries and archives and one day on education. 6 side events: artists resale, authors forum launch, authorized entities, IP and video games study, Libraries and archives and Museum and IP, WIPO guide. Continue Reading