SCCR24: Today, all but India agreed on a single text to move the broadcasting treaty forward

July 24, 2012 afternoon plenary: the broadcasting treaty text moved forward. All but India supported the Chair’s text as the basis of future works. In their own words:

EGYPT: Thank you, Chair. The African Group …
The African Group would support that the Chair’s nonpaper be adopted as the Committee’s working document, to guide our future deliberations on broadcasting. It’s our further recommendation that this Committee makes a clear recommendation to the General Assembly on our plan towards hosting a Diplomatic Conference on broadcasting in 2014.

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Governments views on progress on broadcasting treaty at WIPO SCCR24

July 23, 2012. The plenary at WIPO has started again briefly before lunch. While there is not much progress on a text about broadcasting protection there seems to be consensus among governments regarding the nature of the instrument: it has to be a treaty. No one seems to be talking about a soft recommendation for broadcasters!

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SCCR23: Statement by KEI on the protection of broadcasting organizations

With respect to broadcasting, KEI reiterates its opposition to work at WIPO on a new treaty for broadcasting organizations.

When governments grant intellectual property rights to broadcasting organizations, they undermine the rights of copyright holders, and reduce the incomes of creative communities.

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SCCR 21: Initial impressions from day 1

The 21st session of the WIPO Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR) commenced its work at 10:33 AM on Monday, 8 November 2010.

This unusually quick start is perhaps indicative of Member States’ commitment to examine the three substantive agenda items up for consideration during this five day negotiation; these three issues include: 1) protection of broadcasting organizations, 2) protection of audiovisual performances and 3) limitations and exceptions.

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