KEI requests an open compulsory license relating to Paxlovid in the Dominican Republic

On Friday, December 3, 2021, KEI requested an open public interest license to allow the exploitation of PF-07321332 (marketed in combination with ritonavir under the brand Paxlovid) in the Dominican Republic. PF-07321332, being developed by Pfizer, has shown promising results… Continue Reading

Bolivia seeks to import COVID-19 vaccines from Biolyse, if Canada grants them a compulsory license

Today the government of Bolivia and Biolyse, a company based in Canada, signed an agreement to acquire COVID-19 vaccines manufactured by the company, if Canada grants them a compulsory license. Biolyse is a manufacturer of cancer drugs with the potential… Continue Reading

Verinata v. Ariosa – compulsory license granted to Roche over prenatal screening technologies under eBay v. MercExchange

On July 19, 2018, the U.S. District Court, Northern District of California, denied a permanent injunction requested by Illumina, Inc, and instead ruled that a forward looking royalty for continued non-voluntary use of the invention, a type of compulsory license,… Continue Reading

2019: KEI Comments Submitted to USTR Special 301 Review

On Thursday February 7, 2019, KEI submitted comments and intent to testify at the hearing for the 2019 US Trade Representative’s Special 301 review process. This year’s hearing will take place on Wednesday February 27, 2019 at the Office of… Continue Reading

Chilean Cámara de Diputados Overwhelmingly Asks the Ministry of Health to Proceed with Compulsory Licenses for HCV drugs

On June 8, 2018 the Cámara de Diputados of the Chilean Congress overwhelmingly passed a resolution calling on the Ministry of Health to proceed with compulsory licenses on patents covering hepatitis C virus (HCV) drugs. Resolution No. 68, passed with… Continue Reading

13 NGOs Call on USTR To Support Colombia in Special 301 Following Pressure Over Legal Access to Meds Efforts

KEI submitted a post-hearing submission to the USTR for the Special 301 on behalf of itself and twelve other international NGOs and academic institutions condemning recent pressures on Colombia’s legal and regulatory measures to increase access to affordable medicines, including… Continue Reading