Today Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) submitted comments to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) regarding the “Prospective Grant of an Exclusive Patent License: Vaccine Augmented Adoptive Cell Therapy for the Treatment of Cancer” (89 FR 8438). The wordwide, exclusive license… Continue Reading →
On July 27, 2021, Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) commented on the “Prospective Grant of an Exclusive Patent License: RP2 AAV-Based Gene Human Therapy for Ocular Diseases and Disorders Including XLRP” (86 FR 36565). The National Institutes of Health (NIH) intends… Continue Reading →
On Friday January 10, 2020, Knowledge Ecology International (KEI) submitted comments to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) regarding the “Prospective Grant of an Exclusive Patent License: Gene Therapy for Ocular Disease” to OcQuila Therapeutics, Ltd. (84 FR 65169). The… Continue Reading →
On October 26, 2019, Knowledge Ecology International (KEI), Union for Affordable Cancer Treatment (UACT), Public Citizen, Social Security Works (SSW), LWC Health, Ruth Lopert, Manon Ress, and Terry Love filed an administrative appeal with the National Institutes of Health (NIH).… Continue Reading →
(UPDATE: The NIH provided a response to our comments on September 26, 2019) On September 13, 2019, Knowledge Ecology International (KEI), Union for Affordable Cancer Treatment (UACT), Public Citizen (PC), Social Security Works (SSW), LWC Health, Ruth Lopert, Manon Ress,… Continue Reading →
On September 9, 2019, KEI submitted a second request to the NIH that it investigate an apparent failure to disclose federal funding in patents in adeno-associated viral (AAV) gene therapies assigned to the Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn).… Continue Reading →
Zolgensma is a gene therapy for spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) that was approved by the US FDA in May 2019, at a price of $2.1 million per patient. Zolgensma was licensed from a children’s hospital where it was developed on… Continue Reading →