NIST Proposed Revisions to Bayh-Dole Act Regulations

New: Biden White House Executive Order opposes change in Bayh-Dole March-In regulations. (KEI has an email list to discuss this issue here: The Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) published on January 4, 2021, a… Continue Reading

U.S. Department of Energy march-in right cases

Ventana Medical Systems, Inc., march-in request  1999. February 10. Jonathan Cohen, Director of Intellectual Property for Ventana Medical Systems, Inc., sends letter to Paul A. Gottlieb, Esq., Assistant General Counsel for Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property at the U.S. Department… Continue Reading

KEI asks NIST to extend comment period on their Special Publication 1234 Draft Green Paper on Return on Public Investment

Today KEI asked the Department of Commerce National Institute of Standards (NIST) to publish a notice in the Federal Register inviting comments on their Special Publication 1234, Draft Green Paper on Return on Public Investment, with an extended deadline. The… Continue Reading

KEI Comments Regarding the NIST Special Publication 1234 Draft Green Paper on Return on Public Investment

KEI filed comments on the NIST Draft Green paper on the return from investment on federally funded R&D (See: We expect the comment period to be extended, but filed this on January 9, 2018, as an initial submission. KEI-comments-NIST-SP-1234-ROI-9Jan2018… Continue Reading


The 2010 Fabrazyme NIH Bayh-Dole march-in case The 2014 FTC complaint regarding collusion between Shire and Sanofi.