KEI letter to Roche requesting voluntary license to patents on risdiplam, a treatment for Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA)

This is a letter to Roche requesting a voluntary license to the patents on risdiplam, a treatment for Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). KEI-Risdiplan-patent-license-request-8july2022 This was the August 5, 2022 response from Roche. Roche-Response-to-Risdiplam-license-request–5Aug2022 KEI wrote to Roche again on February… Continue Reading


Risdiplam, originally developed under contract with the SMA Foundation by PTC Therapeutics and licensed to Roche for sale under the brand name Evrysdi, is a medication used to treat spinal muscular atrophy and the first oral medication approved to treat… Continue Reading

COVID-19 Contracts

United States of America Below are links to copies of the contracts entered into by the US government for technologies to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. KEI is updating this page as we gain access to more contracts, and less redacted… Continue Reading

Verinata v. Ariosa – compulsory license granted to Roche over prenatal screening technologies under eBay v. MercExchange

On July 19, 2018, the U.S. District Court, Northern District of California, denied a permanent injunction requested by Illumina, Inc, and instead ruled that a forward looking royalty for continued non-voluntary use of the invention, a type of compulsory license,… Continue Reading

DG-Enterprise – data exclusivity prevents access to life saving drugs (in the EU), even in an emergency situation

On February 20, 2006, Martin Terberger, the Head of Unit for Pharmaceuticals in the European Commission Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry, wrote to Greg Perry of the European Generic medicines Association (EGA). The letter was a follow-up to an inquiry from the EGA regarding “the question of data exclusivity under the European pharmaceutical legislation,” in cases where a government overrode the exclusive rights of a patent and granted a compulsory license, and/or in a case of a medical emergency.

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