Obama officials seek end of WIPO program on limitations and exceptions to patent rights in developing countries

During the WIPO 2014 General Assembly’s discussions of patents and health in the context of the work of the Standing Committee on the Law of Patent (SCP), the Obama Administration embraced an aggressive position against WIPO technical assistance on the use of patent limitations and exceptions.

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Open letter to those who collectively produced the May 23, 2012 statement to the WIPO SCP on the topics of patents and health

Open letter to those who collectively produced the May 23, 2012 statement to the WIPO SCP on the topics of patents and health (Copy of US statement available here: https://www.keionline.org/node/1416).

May 25, 2012

To each and everyone who worked on the SCP submission:

This letter outlines our concerns to the May 23, 2012 statement to the 18th Session of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Standing Committee on the Law of Patents (SCP), on the agenda for patents and health.

In its opening, the USPTO said the following:

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US statement to SCP 18 on the United States proposal on Patents and Health

The following is the statement read today by USPTO during a meeting of the WIPO Standing Committee on the Law of Patent, on the agenda item for patents and health. I’ll provide more commentary later, but in general, this was seen an aggressive attack on a proposal for work by the Development Agenda Group (DAG), and on the notion that countries should grant compulsory licenses on patents to address concerns over access or affordability of drugs.

[Update: KEI wrote to USPTO about the submission: /node/1420]

The USPTO statement follows:

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