KEI Statement on Adoption of the WHA72 Transparency Resolution

Today the World Health Assembly (WHA) approved A72/A/CONF./2 Rev.1 as a resolution, titled “Improving the transparency of markets for medicines, vaccines, and other health products.” Link to the resolution: When the text was made available, I sent out a… Continue Reading

UNDP, Unitaid, and WHO caught in Big Pharma’s crosshairs

PhRMA’s Special 301 submissions are part of a yearly ritual to shape the “Special 301” Report, an annual review of the global state of intellectual property rights (IPR) protection and enforcement, conducted by the Office of the United States Trade… Continue Reading

Italy’s Draft WHO resolution: Improving the transparency of markets for drugs, vaccines and other health-related technologies

On 1 February 2019, Dr. Giulia Grillo, Italy’s Minister of Health, sent a letter to Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), with an attached “first draft” of a resolution on “Improving the transparency… Continue Reading

KEI Submission to WHO Essential Medicines List – Enzalutamide / Abiraterone Acetate

The WHO Essential Medicines List is a major WHO tool used to expand access to medicines.  In 2017, the WHO issued the 20th Essential Medicines List (EML) which was the 40th anniversary of the list.  The WHO is currently in… Continue Reading

Sixty-ninth World Health Assembly

KEI/HAI Interventions HAI/KEI intervention at the WHA69 on the Framework of Engagement with Non-State Actors HAI/KEI intervention at the WHA69 on the negotiations on an R&D agreement Interventions by Member States WHA 69: Colombian Minister of Health Calls on WHO… Continue Reading

Seventieth World Health Assembly

Interventions made by KEI WHA70: Statement of Knowledge Ecology International – CEWG follow up WHA70: Statement of Knowledge Ecology International on antimicrobial resistance WHA70: Statement of Knowledge Ecology International on review of the GSPOA-PHI WHA70: Statement of Knowledge Ecology International:… Continue Reading