SCCR 32 Day 2: Beneficiaries, Term of protection, limitations and exceptions, TPMs & DRMs

Presentation of the Chart prepared by the secretariat.

>> SECRETARIAT: Thank you, Mr. Chair. Indeed the chart which has been distributed deals with the — with other issues and there are five specific issues listed on this chart. The first one refers to the beneficiaries of protection, term of protection, limitations and exceptions, technical protection measures, and rights management information.

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SCCR 32: US Statement on Cross Border Uses (Item 6) Libraries & Archives

US on Cross-Border Uses

>> UNITED STATES: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. The first time I have spoken that we very much appreciate the constructive engagement of other delegations and the references to our proposals that are set forth in the high level principles and objectives at the international level for copyright exceptions for libraries and archives. And we continue to believe that this principle approach provides a good basis for moving forward and furthering the goal of improving national copyright exceptions.

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SCCR 32 Day 4 Africa Group Statement regarding support for L&E for education, research and people with other disabilities

nigeria-x1024.jpgOn the last day of the SCCR 32, the group statements on the topic of education, teaching, research and people with other disabilities are not surprising. Group B and CEBS do not want to engage in normative work. Grulac and the Africa Group are eloquent and remind all of us that development depends on education and knowledge. The Africa Group is also requesting the Chair provide a chart of the issues to be duscussed as well as regional meetings on the topic.

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