Distance education for blind people opposed by a White House responsive to MPAA

hvrtwr_kbd_225x150_q60.jpgDuring the WIPO negotiations on disabilities, the White House has told U.S. Blind groups it will kill a WIPO treaty on copyright exceptions for persons who are blind or have other disabilities if the treaty covers audiovisual works, including those used in education, including distance teaching programs.

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Talking points for KEI statement at SCCR 25, November 21, 2012

I just read from these talking points at WIPO SCCR 25, where the topic under discuss is a proposed treaty for persons who are blind or have other disabilities. (See /r2r).

1. KEI is disappointed that deaf people are left out.

2. KEI is disappointed that there is a proposal to eliminate the article on contracts. We agree with the Library Copyright Alliance that contracts are now being used to undermine exceptions. The treaty should have provisions to make it clear that governments may override exception killing contracts.

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Four drafts from SCCR 24

  • Working document (Rev. 5), July 25, 2012, Provisional Working Document Containing Comments On And Textual Suggestions Towards An Appropriate International Legal Instrument (In Whatever Form) On Limitations And Exceptions For Educational, Teaching And Research Institutions And Persons With Other Disabilities
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KEI comment on SCCR 24

The final conclusions of SCCR 24 are available here.

I’m going to spend some time adding to this, but to have something out quick, here are few thoughts.

1. Disabilities.

The Good: sets the stage for diplomatic conference in 2013, which is now highly likely.
The Bad: Lots of brackets in the text, and EU bent on making the agreement unworkable, and the US and EU hold off on the “nature of the instrument” is a treaty discussion.

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