SCCR22: Brazilian interventions in favor of a Treaty on exceptions and limitations to copyright for persons with disabilities

Mr Chairman,

It is with much pleasure that Brazil notes that we started this second week of the XXII SCCR with a text on the table that is co-sponsored by Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Ecuador, México, Paraguay, and the United States and that is also supported by the EU.

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Non paper distributed at SCCR 22 at 1pm on Friday, on disabilities

In a major breakthrough on the WIPO negotiations on copyright exceptions for persons with disabilities, at around 1pm today, a non-paper “resulting from informal discussions among Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, the European Union and its Member States, Mexico, Paraguay and the United States of America” was distributed at the WIPO SCCR 22.

A copy of the document is available here:


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SCCR22: Intervention of Unión Latinoamericana de Ciegos (Latin American Union of the Blind)

On 16 June 2011, Pablo Lecuona delivered the following intervention on behalf of Intervention of Unión Latinoamericana de Ciegos at SCCR 22.

Gracias señor presidente.

Lo felicito ante todo por su elección al frente de este comité. hablo en Nombre de la Unión latinoamericana de Ciegos que reúne a las organizaciones de ciegos de los 19 países de América latina.

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Report from SCCR 22 discussions of WIPO treaty for persons who are blind or have other disabilities

Members of the WBU delegation at WIPO SCCR 22

June 16, 10 am: There are good news and less good news to report from Geneva. While overall, things have moved in positive directions, with the US and the EU engaged in very constructive negotiations with Brazil and other treaty sponsors, there are still many frustrations. Continue Reading

KEI statement at SCCR 21

This was our 400 word statement at the WIPO SCCR 21.

Statement of KEI at WIPO SCCR 21, November 11, 2010

There should be a compelling rationale for creating new global norms for copyrights.

KEI opposes work on a new broadcasting treaty, and supports work on performers treaty.

KEI supports work at the SCCR on new possible norms for copyright limitations and exceptions, particularly as regards to access to knowledge, and uses of new technologies.

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WIPO SCCR21: Group B proposal on a work program for Copyright exceptions and limitations

Today, Wednesday November 10 2010, during the 3rd day of the WIPO SCCR21, the Group B presented a proposal for a Work Program on copyright exceptions and limitations for the WIPO SCCR. Group B is the negotiation group that groups developed countries like US, EU, Switzerland and others.

The proposal is available here

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