WIPO Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore


CPTech at WIPO on Proposals for Propection of Traditional Knowledge

CPTech Summary of Proceedings at WIPO IGC (November 2004)


WIPO stalemate: No agreement reached on genetic resources, traditional knowledge and folklore

2009: WIPO General Assembly renews mandate of IGC

2009: U.S. statement on the IGC Mandate at the 2009 WIPO General Assembly


WIPO expert committee deliberates on road map to protect traditional cultural expressions

KEI interventions on a possible WIPO legal instrument for the protection of traditional cultural expressions

WIPO drafting groups release text for a possible legal instrument for the protection of traditional cultural expressions

2010: US Statement to 48th WIPO General Assemblies on IGC on genetic resources, traditional knowledges and folklore


Of WIPO, diplomatic conferences and international legally binding instruments
OMPI: Un instrument international pour la protection des ressources génétiques, des savoirs traditionnels et du folklore?

2011: Decision for WIPO GA 49: Matters Concerning the IGC on IP and genetic resources, traditional knowledge and folklore


2012: IGC20: Statement by the Holy See on patenting of life forms

UPDATE: WIPO intergovernmental committee debates patents on life in relation to IP and genetic resources
WIPO text-based negotiations on an instrument to protect traditional cultural expressions (9 July 2012-13 July 2012)
General Statement of Development Agenda Group to WIPO General Assemblies (delivered by Brazil)


2013: IGC25: Draft Recommendation to WIPO General Assembly (24 July 2013)
WIPO IGC 25 and Traditional Cultural Expressions: Intervention of KEI on Article 3 on the scope of protection


WIPO norm-setting on IP and genetic resources: will impasse on mandatory disclosure and the nature of instrument be resolved?

2014: WIPO General Assembly 2014: Draft decision on item 16 (IGC on genetic resources, traditional knowledge & folklore)

2014: WIPO General Assembly 2014: Opening statement of the United States broaches IGC, broadcasting treaty and copyright L&Es


2016: WIPO IGC30: Questions remain on protection of genetic resources as hard decisions postponed until 2017

2016: WIPO IGC30: Narrowing existing gaps relating to the protection of genetic resources?

2016: WIPO IGC30: Clean and track-changed version of Facilitators’ text on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources

2016: KEI statement at WIPO GA 2016 on the Inter-governmental Committee (IGC) on genetic resources, traditional knowledge

WIPO GA 2016: Statement by India on behalf of Asia Pacific Group – Report on the IGC


2017: WIPO IGC 25 and Traditional Cultural Expressions: Intervention of KEI on Article 3 on the scope of protection

2017: WIPO General Assembly 2017: Draft text on mandate of the future of the IGC (6 October 2017)


IGC 42: KEI statement on access and benefit sharing in relation to IP and genetic resources
War in Ukraine upends the opening of WIPO’s Intergovernmental Committee on Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge, and Folklore


Save the Date – 5 September 2023 – Models of benefit sharing