June 30 to July 4, 2014
WIPO’s Page for the Meeting
- WIPO SCCR28 Day 1: Support for a Broadcasting Treaty Diplomatic Conference in 2015?
- WIPO SCCR 28 Day 1: The European Union Statement regarding 3 topics: broadcasting, L&E for Libraries and Education
- SCCR 28 Day 1: Selected Interventions re Technical Experts Invited to Informal Negotiations
- SCCR28: Venezuelan and Uruguayan reaction to Chair's proposal to invite broadcasters to provide technical expertise in informals
- SCCR28 Day 1 Rules for Informal
- SCCR28: Opening statement of the Asia Pacific Group
- SCCR28: KEI statement on the progress of the WIPO Broadcast Treaty
- SCCR28: Presentation of US paper on objectives and principles for exceptions and limitations for libraries and archives
- SCCR28: Opening statement of the United States on copyright limitations and exceptions
- SCCR28: Chile’s opening statement on copyright limitations and exceptions
- SCCR28: Chile’s response to US paper on objectives/principles for copyright L&Es for libraries & archives: National exceptions
- Copyright exceptions for libraries: Principles or International Framework? Day 4 sccr28
- TACD intervention at SCCR 28, on library copyright exceptions, objectives and principles
- KEI statement on library exceptions at WIPO SCCR 28
- Discussions regarding exceptions for Libraries & Archives (and maybe Conclusions?) on last day of the SCCR 28
- Draft conclusions, SCCR 28, 10 PM version
- Proposed Draft Conclusions regarding the Broadcasting Treaty and L&E for libraries and Archives.